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Game 46: Ed Arnold - Ed's Porkchop 7

Game 46: Ed Arnold - Ed's Porkchop 7

Ed Arnold is a longtime L.A. local TV anchorman, having worked for KTLA, KCET, and KABC since the 1970s. But there’s one KABC channel 7 anchorman who stands luxuriously headful of hair over shoulders among the rest. That man is Dallas Raines. Real name, no gimmicks. Just look at him.


And no, fist pumping after every commercial weather tease is not a gimmick. He is that pumped up about the weather, even 35+ years into the job. Words fail me. They do no justice to this man.

Dallas Raines remains while others fall. Dallas Raines forever.


Ed’s Porkchop 7


4 pork chops

1 small onion

Seasoning salt, to taste

½ cup rice

1 16-ounce can stewed tomatoes

Brown chops in iron skillet. Top with seasoning salt and sliced onions. Sprinkle rice over all. Pour tomatoes over all. Cover and cook on low for 50 minutes or until done.

I almost had another Goldstein and Gasol disaster with this one. It’s such a simple recipe, that it didn’t even cross my mind that the ½ cup of rice is supposed to be uncooked rice. Thankfully just before I dumped a half cup of cooked rice into my pan, I realized my mistake. 


Forgive the plating. It tasted a lot better than it looks. Also, can you believe that it took me up until the night I cooked it to figure out why Ed called it “Ed’s Porkchop 7”? I didn’t have to admit that, but I did. This is just like therapy. Goldstein and Gasol is just like therapy.

Game 47: Jerry Buss - 7 Layer Slam Dunk Dip

Game 47: Jerry Buss - 7 Layer Slam Dunk Dip

Game 45: Dave Wohl - Shrimp Bisque

Game 45: Dave Wohl - Shrimp Bisque